La Vista is sitting on top of a hill in Far North Queensland surrounded by rainforest, not a road in sight. However, La Vista’s concrete driveway is only 2 hours on the paved Captain Cook Highway from Cairns International Airport. Port Douglas is less than an hour away. 

Driving North on the Captain Cook Highway from the Airport you’ll quickly leave Cairns and it’s northern beaches and find yourself on the coast road to Port Douglas. After ‘Port’ you’ll continue North towards the sugar cane town of Mossman.

Continuing on the Captain Cook Highway past Wonga Beach until the Daintree River Ferry turn-off on the right.

Over the river, over the Alexandra range, and down into Cow Bay. Take the first right after the Cow Bay Hotel (pub) towards the beach. A further 500 m and on the right is the driveway marked by La Vista’s sign. It may look a little steep at first, but do not be concerned, it levels off as is easily accessed by a two wheel drive car. 
La Vista is worth the drive.